The patented system for the dismantling of drums with radioactive waste
This stationary, remote-controlled system was developed for the reconditioning and post-conditioning of homogeneously and inhomogeneously cemented, radioactive waste packages. Due to the complete dismantling, the contents can be analyzed and documented in detail. The contaminated material is separated from the non-contaminated, which allows the volume of radioactive waste to be halved. Furthermore, the diameter of the concrete matrix is reduced to allow insertion into the new drums with fiberglass inner liners. The dismantling process is dry, so no secondary waste is generated. The BRAUN Drum Dismantling Machine has been in operation at the Seibersdorf interim storage facility in Austria since 2018.
Advantages: variety of dismantling possibilities without secondary waste from a safe distance, volume reduction of radioactive waste by up to 50%.